The owner has owned this car since it was just a year or two old. He did all of the work himself except of course, the body and paint. He even installed a new floor and sand blasted it underneath before I got it. Every nut and bolt was replaced or replated. It has been restored to completely stock. It is a beautiful car inside and out. My favorite part- it has a four speed.
(Click on any image below to view larger size.)
- Here is the car the way it started. It was in for some preliminary work on the front fenders.
- By doing the work on the fenders before it is completely disassembled, we insure a perfect body fit at final assembly.
- Overall it looks pretty solid.
- By the time it is media blasted, the repair areas have grown in size.
- It is not surprising to see that each section behind the rear wheel needs a larger repair.
- It was cheaper to buy a large quarter panel section and cut it to suit than to make the repair panel from scratch.
- This small repair was made by hand.
- This is the lower section of a front fender. Both sides were the same.
- The structure behind the body skin needed repair as well.
- The patch is made and a coat of epoxy applied.
- Top coat black is applied next before the outer surface is welded in place. There is no way to coat this area afterwards.
- Patch panel is fit in place, waiting for final prep and welding.
- A section of the front fender had to be sourced to repair a previous alteration on the inner fender.
- The hood looks perfect after media blasting.
- With a little blocking, numerous lows spots were found. This is not uncommon in long panels like this.
- Before stripping, a drawing was made to exactly duplicate the stripes as they were from the factory.
- Reference tape gets laid out first.
- Blue fine line tape is used to mask the paint lines. It leaves a perfect edge on the paint.
- The layout is complete. It may not look like much, but every dimension including the radius in the corners and over the cowl induction are right on.
- Mask the center and we are ready for paint.
- Painted, unmasked and cleared.
- The completed car.
- Every nut and bolt is like new.