Custom Candy Apple Red
This car was a great project to do. Authentic details combined with custom touches and a period hot rod flavor. Others thought so too, as it won over thirty trophies in its first two seasons of car shows. The candy red is something you really should see in person.
(Click on any image below to view larger size.)
- The rear taillight panel was the only big piece that needed replacement on the body shell.
- This was a rare replacement panel because it fit so well almost immediately.
- A repair section was needed behind both rear wheels.
- All inner panels are prepped and coated before repair panels are put back in place.
- Getting the contours to match took just a little extra work.
- Overall a nice fit.
- It was not surprising to see this rust under the vinyl top.
- Other than this patch and a little smoothing of the roof and it was ready for a new top.
- This is where the fun begins. Candy paint is a tri-coat system. Base color, tinted translucent mid-coat and clear.
- All of the pieces have to be painted at the same time so the booth gets full.
- Note how the door jam is painted and masked. If the jam is painted at the same time it is possible to get too much paint on the body at that edge and the color at that edge would become darker.
- This is the base color.
- I walked along the body with each pass to insure consistent coverage as the mid-coat is applied. It took a full day of painting to do this.
- Sand and polished to perfection.
- A custom touch.
- People like it. Five trophies in four shows. It was a fun project.